Archive for the ‘Weight Management’ Category

Shelter-In-Place Puts a Strain on Weight Management

Have you gained weight over the past year? You’re not alone. Here are some tips to get back on track.

Your Appendix: Worthless Remnant or Sophisticated Storehouse?

The appendix has long been thought of as easily removed without any further consequence, but studies are showing that is not the case.

Protect Your Thyroid against Stress

Stress and nutrient deficiencies directly impact the function of your thyroid and speed of your metabolism.

I3C and DIM – Benefits Beyond Detoxification

Heart, circulatory, and immune health; what can’t I3C and DIM do for you!

Fiber and Your Gut Mucousal Lining

Inadequate fiber intake leads to breakdown in the mucosal lining, erosion of the gut barrier, and increased likelihood of gut infections. Are you getting enough fiber?

Skipping Breakfast Impacts Weight, Blood Sugar, Cardiovascular Health

Still the most important meal of the day? Studies show regularly skipping breakfast adversely impacts your health.

Social Isolation and Stress Management

Social isolation has taken a toll on so many during these times. It is a great challenge is to manage the underlying physical stress that isolation can silently cause.

Magnesium Depleted by Numerous Drugs

Medications, stress, and other diet and lifestyle factors can easily deplete your body of magnesium. Magnesium is essential for many aspects of your health — learn how you can avoid a deficiency.

Adaptogen Rhodiola Helps Stress Resilience, Cognitive Function, and Mood

Stress of all kinds creates challenges for your body and pushes your capacity to adapt. Rhodiola rosea is a stress-busting adaptogenic nutrient that helps your brain and body build stress resilience.

Astaxanthin: Anti-Aging, Immune Support, Mitochondria, and Mold Protector

Recent studies on astaxanthin continue to point out its versatility and impact on the core of health like mitochondria, anti-aging genes, mold protection, and enhanced immune health.