Archive for the ‘Pregnancy’ Category

Candida and Cavities: Link Between Oral Microbiome Dysbiosis and Dental Decay

Eating whole, nutritious foods is important for the health of your oral microbiome. Avoid simple starches to keep candida and cavities at bay!

PEA: Natural Support for Nerves and Comfort

Learn about our newest product – PEA Ultra. It is a lipid that supports the body’s endocannabinoid system to promote healthy stress response, mood, relaxation, and nerve function and more!

Navigating a Plant-Based Diet: What You Need to Know for Optimal Health

Plant-based diets have health benefits, but only if they are done well. Common nutrients such as iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin B12, and more are often missing. Is your plant-based diet complete?

Hidden Obesogens in Foods, Beverages, and Environment Disrupt Metabolism

Weight management is more than calories consumed and burned due to hidden obesogens. Find out what they are and what you can do to minimize their impact.

2022 Natural Health News Articles

Take charge of your health! These natural health articles from 2022 cover a variety of health topics, support for vitality, and optimizing healthy structure and function.

What’s Your Iodine Status?

Iodine deficiency is a global health concern. Iodine is important for thyroid health, immune health, and detoxification. It is also significant for the health of pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Arginine Supports Men’s and Women’s Health, Athletic Performance, and More

This amino acid is a game changer for everyone. It benefits athletic performance, circulation, and men’s health.

Optimizing Your Nutrition for Reproductive Health

Your nutritional status impacts the ability to conceive, have a healthy pregnancy, and the health of future generations.

Feminine Hygiene Products: Protect Yourself From Hidden Toxins

Common products that most women use monthly could be negatively impacting their health.

Birth Control Pills (Part 2): Additional Risks

There are serious health risks associated with birth control pills. Anyone taking birth control, or considering it, should be informed.