Archive for the ‘Triglycerides’ Category

Grape Seed Extract: Versatile and Valued Antioxidant

Commonly recognized for its support for connective tissue, this little gem of nature benefits numerous tissues and functions throughout the body.

Astaxanthin Helps Cell Clean-Up, Immunity, and Gut Health

Astaxanthin is a powerful nutrient that regulates autophagy, helps the digestive and immune systems, and slows down the process of aging.

Pterostilbene — An Ancient Prized Health Tonic

Pterostilbene is a powerful anti-aging antioxidant and flavonoid for healthy blood sugar, cholesterol metabolism, weight loss, nerves and cellular health.

Curcumin Supports Gut Lining and Health

Curcumin is one versatile and helpful nutrient that helps support a healthy digestive tract.

Atrial Fibrillation Linked to Stress, Diabetes, Dental Health, and Gut Health

Is oxidative stress an underling source of your heart’s atrial fibrillation? For many individuals, the answer may very well be – yes. The follow-up question is where is the source?