Archive for the ‘Nerves’ Category

Minerals Needed for Quality Sleep

Trouble sleeping? A simple lack of minerals can lead to sleepless nights and may be the missing link for blissful slumber.

Social Isolation and Stress Management

Social isolation has taken a toll on so many during these times. It is a great challenge is to manage the underlying physical stress that isolation can silently cause.

Magnesium Depleted by Numerous Drugs

Medications, stress, and other diet and lifestyle factors can easily deplete your body of magnesium. Magnesium is essential for many aspects of your health — learn how you can avoid a deficiency.

Adaptogen Rhodiola Helps Stress Resilience, Cognitive Function, and Mood

Stress of all kinds creates challenges for your body and pushes your capacity to adapt. Rhodiola rosea is a stress-busting adaptogenic nutrient that helps your brain and body build stress resilience.

5 Ways to Manage Histamine

Sneezing? Itchy Skin? Or other symptoms that make you feel miserable from too much histamine? Histamine is not always bad for you, but it does have to be managed. Learn how!

Taking Statins? Protect Your Muscles and Mitochondria

About one in four adults over 40 takes a statin drug to lower cholesterol. Protection of mitochondria with nutrition can assist your body in management of statin induced toxic stress.

Breakthrough Turmeric Extract Optimized for Absorption and Health Benefits

The spice turmeric contains curcumin, one of the most sought-after nutrients. After years of research, nutritional science has achieved a major breakthrough in improving curcumin’s bioavailability.

Mosquitoes Bugging You? Nutrition Can Help

Have you ever wondered why you or a family member are more sensitive to mosquito bites compared to others? Your sensitivity and reaction can help give some insight into your state of health.

Hearing Loss – What’s Missing From Your Diet Can Hurt

Have you ever wondered what nutrients your ears need for hearing? Like other systems in your body, your ears’ delicate auditory system requires several nutrients to perform for a lifetime.

Cinnamon Supports Blood Sugar Health, Fat Burning, and Immune Defense

Well-known for its support with healthy glucose metabolism, cinnamon also provides antioxidant support neutralizing free radicals and aids in a healthy, balanced immune system among other benefits.