Archive for the ‘Fibromyalgia’ Category

Taking Statins? Protect Your Muscles and Mitochondria

About one in four adults over 40 takes a statin drug to lower cholesterol. Protection of mitochondria with nutrition can assist your body in management of statin induced toxic stress.

Breakthrough Turmeric Extract Optimized for Absorption and Health Benefits

The spice turmeric contains curcumin, one of the most sought-after nutrients. After years of research, nutritional science has achieved a major breakthrough in improving curcumin’s bioavailability.

Cinnamon Supports Blood Sugar Health, Fat Burning, and Immune Defense

Well-known for its support with healthy glucose metabolism, cinnamon also provides antioxidant support neutralizing free radicals and aids in a healthy, balanced immune system among other benefits.

Stevia – The Dark Side of This Natural Sweetener

Stevia has gained substantial popularity as a natural no-calorie sweetener in the last several years. Do you ever wonder how stevia affects your body besides its no-calorie sweet taste?

Vitamin B12 Essential for Energy, Mood, and Overall Health

Nearly three million people in the U.S. each year are found to lack vitamin B12. Fatigue, dizziness, numbness, tingling, poor balance, depressed mood are some of the many signals of B12 deficiency.

Protect Your Cell Membranes and Health with Calcium AEP

Calcium AEP is a unique nutrient that helps keep your body’s cell membranes working properly. Since there are a multitude of cells in the body, calcium AEP helps in many aspects of our health.

Zinc Essential for Immunity, Sense of Smell, and More

Zinc is the second most abundant trace mineral in the body. Your body needs this essential mineral for thousands of functions: are you getting enough?

New Optimized Curcumin for Brain Health

Curcumin, the active compound found in turmeric, has been widely used for a variety of health issues. A new optimized form of curcumin now offers increased health benefits.

Improve Your Sleep-Wake Rhythms for Immune Health

When life’s daily routine gets out of sync, it influences your internal circadian rhythms and body clocks. Your immune system’s vitality relies on this most primal action.

Introducing Vital UT with Cranberry, D-Mannose, Mangosteen, and Friendly Flora

We’re excited to introduce Vital UT, a new supplement for urinary tract health and fluid circulation. This product includes high flavanol cranberry concentrate, D-mannose, whole mangosteen…