Archive for the ‘Exercise’ Category

The Three Most Important Things for Health

A healthy lifestyle revolves around these three factors: sleep, exercise, and diet. How are you doing with each of them?

Theanine: Stress Management and Beyond

Theanine is a type of amino acid found in green tea that helps stress. From cognitive and emotional stress to stress on your gut and joints, find out how it can benefit you.

Arginine Supports Men’s and Women’s Health, Athletic Performance, and More

This amino acid is a game changer for everyone. It benefits athletic performance, circulation, and men’s health.

Shelter-In-Place Puts a Strain on Weight Management

Have you gained weight over the past year? You’re not alone. Here are some tips to get back on track.

Glutamine: Critical for Gut, Immune System, and Muscles during Stress and Aging

Is the shutdown stress hurting your everyday health? Glutamine may be the answer.

Fiber and Your Gut Mucousal Lining

Inadequate fiber intake leads to breakdown in the mucosal lining, erosion of the gut barrier, and increased likelihood of gut infections. Are you getting enough fiber?

Birth Control Pills (Part 2): Additional Risks

There are serious health risks associated with birth control pills. Anyone taking birth control, or considering it, should be informed.

Minerals Needed for Quality Sleep

Trouble sleeping? A simple lack of minerals can lead to sleepless nights and may be the missing link for blissful slumber.

Disrupted Circadian Rhythm and Methylation Increases Cancer Risk

Modern living challenges our natural circadian rhythm like no other time in history. Synchronization of your circadian rhythms and methylation function is at the root of cell action and regulation.

Social Isolation and Stress Management

Social isolation has taken a toll on so many during these times. It is a great challenge is to manage the underlying physical stress that isolation can silently cause.