Archive for the ‘Cardiovascular Health’ Category

Superior Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract

The extract from olive leaves has been used for centuries – for good reason! It is rich in the antioxidant Oleuropeain which has benefits that range from immune health to metabolism and more.

Leptinal® – Understanding the Vast Effects of this Unique Nutrient Blend

This product not only contains your daily DHA, but a remarkable blend of synergistic nutrients that affect your body’s metabolism, structure, and function.

Chlorella – A Superfood for You and the Planet

Discover what this green microalgae is all about.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Traumatic and stressful life events can cause a very real physical condition caused Broken Heart Syndrome. Protect your heart for the unknown.

Six Benefits of Hawthorn Berry

This berry that has been used for over 2000 years still has health benefits for us today.

Cholesterol: Protect this Vital Compound

Cholesterol isn’t evil – it is essential for your body! Learn why it is important to manage cholesterol fitness.

Glutamine: Surprise Benefits for Heart, Bones, and Blood Sugar

The benefits of glutamine go far beyond gut and immune health.

Fiber and Your Gut Mucousal Lining

Inadequate fiber intake leads to breakdown in the mucosal lining, erosion of the gut barrier, and increased likelihood of gut infections. Are you getting enough fiber?

Birth Control Pills (Part 2): Additional Risks

There are serious health risks associated with birth control pills. Anyone taking birth control, or considering it, should be informed.

Birth Control Pills Deplete Critical Nutrients

Any woman on birth control pills must be aware of related nutrient deficiencies and actively replenish these vitamins and minerals.