Archive for the ‘Cancer’ Category

Magnesium: A Notable Mineral Essential for Life

The list of activities that magnesium is involved with is like the Who’s Who of elite physiology. Discover why magnesium is one mineral you don’t want to be lacking.

Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Cancer, ADHD, Mitochondrial Dysfunction

A California jury recently found Monsanto guilty of its weed killer Roundup causing cancer in a school groundskeeper. Glyphosate in food and water is now linked to multiple health problems.

The Many Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Interest in resveratrol took off when it was discovered to be the active component in red wine that is thought to be the secret to the “French Paradox”. Discover the other secrets of resveratrol.

Caprylic Acid and Undecylenic Acid Combat Candida Biofilms and More

Caprylic acid and undecylenic acid have been used for decades, even centuries for immune system function and natural germ-killing support. Discover their other surprising health boosting benefits!

Cell Phone Radiation: Clear Evidence of Cancer

Is the radiation emitted by cell phones harmful to the body? Recent conclusions show credible evidence of cell phone radiation linked to significant health risk with various cancers.

Mangosteen Combats Superbugs, Biofilms, Protects Brain, and Helps Metabolism

Known as the Queen of Fruits in Asia, mangosteen provides valuable benefits for a vast array of health issues. Have you heard of this tropical super fruit?

9 Benefits of Milk Thistle Extract

Milk thistle is often touted for its benefits as a classic liver tonic. Milk thistle offers amazing benefits to the rest of the body though. Discover all that this medicinal plant can help with.

Prostate Cancer: Reduce Risk and Support Treatment

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men today. If you have a family history of this cancer, make sure to follow these tips which will reduce your risk at any age.

New Research Links Cancer to Sugar Intake

A recent study might have you thinking twice about the sweet treats with Halloween and the upcoming holiday season. This is especially true if you have a history of prediabetes, diabetes, or…

Fisetin Benefits Are Stellar and Far-Reaching

Fisetin is a flavonoid naturally found in food. It is shown to combat chronic, low-grade persistent inflammation, improve memory, cancer, allergies and more. Discover new research on this hidden gem.